Unlocking Prime Video
5 Aug, 2024

The Future of Streaming Video Ads: How Amazon DSP is Transforming Brand Engagement

The Bluebird Group has been creating and placing video ads for clients in Prime Video. This new ad type for Amazon is another example of how quickly digital advertising landscape continues to evolve. Brands are constantly seeking innovative platforms to enhance their reach and engagement. Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform) has emerged as a key player in this space for our clients on Amazon, offering unparalleled opportunities for advertisers. Joe Massey, a retail media lead on our team, discusses leveraging Amazon DSP, focusing on the creation of compelling video ads, the unique advantages of the platform, and strategies for maximizing return on investment. Read on to learn about our approach for ads on Prime Video and where we see this format going in the future. PrimeVideo Ads have high recall

Crafting Compelling Video Ads for Amazon Prime Streaming TV

Creating a successful video ad for Amazon Prime Streaming TV begins with a meticulous analysis of the brand's video assets. Our team starts by conducting an in-depth evaluation of these assets to formulate strategic recommendations for audience targeting. The primary objective is to align the brand's messaging with its business goals, such as showcasing their product as both functional and fashionable to a younger demographic. "By evaluating the content, we identified and targeted consumers who not only matched the brand's desired demographic but also related to the actors featured in the advertisement," says Joe Massey. This targeted approach ensures that the ad not only reaches the right audience but also engages them effectively, aligning with the brand’s overarching business objectives.

Leveraging the Unique Advantages of Amazon DSP

Amazon DSP offers brands distinctive advantages that set it apart from other digital advertising platforms. One of the key benefits is its integration with Amazon's vast first-party data, which provides a treasure trove of insights into consumer behavior and preferences. This data, combined with Amazon's extensive ad inventory across its properties and third-party sites, allows brands to craft highly targeted and effective advertising campaigns. "To maximize ROI, brands can utilize this first-party data along with integrating DSP as a part of their total advertising solution to enhance engagement and conversions," explains Massey. This holistic approach enhances engagement and conversions, making Amazon DSP an indispensable tool for modern advertisers. According to Amazon, "In the U.S., Prime Video has an estimated monthly ad-supported reach of 115 million viewers."

Avoiding Common Pitfalls with Amazon DSP

A common mistake brands make when starting with Amazon DSP is viewing it as a tool for either brand awareness or conversions exclusively. In reality, DSP is most effective when employed as part of a comprehensive "Full Funnel" advertising strategy. This strategy encompasses awareness ads to attract new customers, consideration ads to highlight product advantages over competitors, and conversion ads to retarget high-intent shoppers. When combined with a robust search advertising strategy, this media mix not only drives new customer acquisition but also fosters long-term brand loyalty. By understanding and utilizing the full capabilities of Amazon DSP, brands can avoid these common pitfalls and achieve their advertising goals more effectively.

Effective Targeting and Audience Segmentation

Effective targeting and audience segmentation are crucial for ensuring ads reach the most relevant audiences on Amazon DSP. The process begins with establishing clear campaign objectives. Our team then conducts thorough research to identify audience segments that align with these goals. Once the audiences are integrated into the campaign, we rigorously monitor performance to validate our hypotheses about top performers. Depending on the campaign objectives, we track various metrics, including total reach and reach efficiency, total sales and sales efficiency, click-through rate, detail page view rate, branded searches, and more. This data-driven approach ensures that our ads are reaching the right people and achieving the desired outcomes.

The Future of Amazon DSP

Looking ahead, we are excited about the innovative developments at Amazon, particularly the introduction of new products like Prime Video ads. As media consumption evolves with advancing technology, Amazon DSP is at the forefront of creating new and exciting opportunities for brands to connect with customers. "I am thrilled by the innovative developments at Amazon, including the introduction of new products such as Prime Video ads," says Massey. "These advancements will enhance our ability to reach audiences in dynamic and impactful ways." Amazon DSP offers brands a powerful platform to enhance their digital advertising efforts. By understanding the intricacies of video ad creation, leveraging unique platform advantages, avoiding common pitfalls, and effectively targeting audiences, brands can maximize their return on investment and build lasting connections with their customers. Explore our Creative team page to see how The Bluebird Group can create content that converts no matter where your customers are.